Let's Experience 2040

A movement that is designed primarily to empower and connect one million smart young Nigerians under 45


About the Agenda 2040

The Agenda2040 movement is designed primarily to empower and connect one million smart young Nigerians under 45 in a robust ecosystem to share resources, network and aggregate their efforts towards making Nigeria a top 10 economy in the world by 2040.The movement also seeks to galvanise Nigerians around a compelling national aspiration. Achieving the top 10 status in the world requires strong synergy and unprecedented cooperation among all the stakeholders built on a new promise of hope.


What we are Achiving Currently .

The Programme

The Rite of Passage programme is designed to address the TOTAL man concept of growth. Courses cover.

Strategic Goals

ROP is part of a strategic buildup of raising one million new leaders who will dominate 15 sectors of the economy and help position the Nigerian economy to become top ten by 2040


Agenda2040's Rites of Passage programme is a mentoring and talent pipeline program that is designed to lead African youths intellectually, socially

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”
-Margaret Mead


One of the main strengths of the Rites of Passage programme is our ability to customize the programme content to the specific needs of the participants. Session activities are spread over a time period and designed around the eight modules with practical focus areas. Specific contents and focus will be determined after a need analysis has been completed. A session might focus on roles and responsibilities of being an adult, the power of words; another session might focus on image and awareness with exercises on personal introductions, character reading and perceptions through role-playing.

Our Gallery

what we look like in our confrences .

Our Approach

the approach we are making to make this place better .


Strategic Talent Management (STM) seeks to identify and guide exciting young potentials in the path of greatness


Agenda2040 will have 15 industry syndicate groups and a volunteer industry champion within each group


At the heart of this agenda is the building of the Intelligence Nerve Centre- Africa’s largest technology, design and education hub